We are producing prefab buildings serving all kinds purposes, required by a wide range from ministeries to local authorities, from municipalities to public enterprises in our country.
We provide technical and architectural support to all public enterprises in many subjects ranging from project designing these kinds of buildings to preparing pre-proposals and preparing tender files.
The works we have won by tender or through proposal are manufactured and mounted with diligence due to the fact public buildings are of great importance.
Kindergartens, classroom buildings in primary schools and universities, dormitories for girls and boys, gyms etc. are built by us both by the direct demands from ministry of education and in consequence of tenders opened by means of local administrations.
A large number of public buildings are designed prefabricated in the recent years upon increasing reliance and attention to steel constructions.
Units such as prefabricated supplementary hospital buildings, emergency treatment units, family medicine, health centers and infirmaries can be reasons for preference in the tenders due to offering fast, affordable and aesthetic solutions.
Work has started in many neighborhoods for new neighborhood administration buildings required by local administrations and many of them were delivered. Also design and production of buildings aimed at all kinds of various purposes from library to museum are carried in the direction of new requests.
We are producing cafeterias, lavatories-showers for all citizens including disabled and kiosks and sales shops within recreational and promenade areas open to public use and inside municipality borders.
We are producing projects and services in all kinds of subjects requested and needed as prefab.